Marianne Pinkston | Wellness 4 Life by Dr Pinkston Sun, 30 Dec 2018 01:43:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are You Getting a Good Night’s Sleep? Sun, 30 Dec 2018 01:43:04 +0000 Dietary supplements may be the surprising answer to a sleepless night. When you’re desperate for sleep, you might be willing to try over-the-counter sleep aids. But the side effects associated with long-term use of these medications may outweigh or negate any sleep benefits. Dietary supplements, on the other hand, are non-habit forming and simply balance out the nutrients your body already uses.

A long conversation with your doctor is a great place to start when trying to solve your sleep woes, but supplements can also provide short-term relief while you find a lasting solution. 

In a study published in the research journal Sleep, researchers tested a combination of valerian and hops extracts against diphenhydramine, a common ingredient in over-the-counter sleep aids. Subjects who took the valerian and hop extracts reported a higher quality of life and lower insomnia severity. 

That may be due to valerian’s bornyl acetate content, which can help relax and sedate a person who is struggling with sleep. Similarly, hops have lululin which can produce similar soothing feelings. 

While more research is needed, magnesium may also be an alternative to over-the-counter sleep aids, especially for more elderly patients. A study of nursing home patients found small improvements in sleep quality while taking magnesium. 

Typically, the magnesium you get from leafy greens and nuts is enough. But if you’re taking diuretics, just got off a long hospital stay, or often take antacids, you may develop a magnesium deficiency. 

For sufferers of obstructive sleep apnea, an alternative for the noisy sleep mask might be on the horizon. Researchers at MIT have found the addition of yohimbine–which is from the bark of the African Yohimbe tree– canceled out the causes of airway blockages in sleep apnea animal models. 

It’s important to note that no human clinical trials have been conducted for yohimbine. “People who have [heart disease, high blood pressure, or anxiety disorders] could be at risk if they use yohimbine,” said Chi-Sang Poon, a research scientist for the Institute of Medical Engineering and Science at MIT. He advised waiting for clinical trials to be completed before seeking out this supplement. 

You should, of course, always consult a medical professional before taking any supplements, especially if you are currently taking supplements or medications. 


Wheat Allergy and Celiac Disease: Understanding the Difference and Getting the Correct Diagnosis Fri, 07 Dec 2018 23:35:42 +0000 Wheat Allergy and Celiac Disease: Understanding the Difference and Getting the Correct Diagnosis

Although a gluten-free diet has become merely a lifestyle choice for many, it is a necessity for people suffering from a wheat allergy or celiac disease. The symptoms of the two conditions can be caused by ingesting wheat, yet the health consequences are different in both cases. This article will explain the difference between the two diseases and how a diagnosis is reached. 

1.    Wheat Allergy

A wheat allergy is most common in children. It is a reaction of the immune system to harmless substances found in wheat. In the majority of cases, a wheat allergy disappears as the child grows up. If an allergen is ingested, a range of symptoms may occur, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, irritation of the mouth and throat, hives and rash, nasal congestion, eye irritation, difficulty with breathing. The symptoms may be mild or serious, even life-threatening. If you suffer from a severe wheat allergy, your doctor may prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector, which will counteract potentially deadly symptoms. 

2.    Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, which,  if left untreated, can cause severe intestinal damage and malnutrition. The immune system of a celiac disease sufferer responds to gluten by attacking the digestive system. Children typically have some of the following symptoms: abdominal bloating and gas, chronic diarrhea, constipation, a pale, smelling stool, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. As a result of malnutrition, children with celiac disease have a short stature, irritable mood, and a tendency to lose weight. Adults are more likely to experience a different set of symptoms: fatigue, anemia, depression or anxiety, osteoporosis, joint pain, headaches, canker sores in the mouth, infertility or frequent miscarriages, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and tingling in the hands and feet. 

3.    Diagnosis

It is difficult to diagnose celiac disease on your own, as the symptoms may be signs of other conditions. If you suspect you suffer either from a wheat allergy or celiac disease, you should consult your doctor, who will run appropriate tests (a blood test or skin prick test). Remember not to start a gluten-free diet before seeing your doctor, as this could skew the results.

The symptoms of both a wheat allergy and celiac disease may be caused by ingesting wheat. However, the symptoms in each case are different and have different consequences for your health. If you or your child experience any of the symptoms described above, you should consult a health professional, who can establish the correct diagnosis.


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How to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally Tue, 23 Oct 2018 14:52:29 +0000 How to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

A sluggish thyroid is one of the most frustrating health concerns you’ll ever encounter. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland, located just above the Adam’s apple. In addition to controlling your metabolism, the thyroid is responsible for maintaining healthy hormones in the body. When the thyroid is not functioning as it should be, it can wreak havoc on your entire well being.

    When the thyroid is operating at low levels, you can be left feeling fatigued and depressed. If you feel tired all day, even after a full night of sleep, it may be a sign that you need to get your thyroid checked.  You’ll also notice that you feel cold all the time, regardless of how warm it is outside or how high the temperature is in your house. When the thyroid is not functioning properly, your nails and hair may feel brittle and thin. Hair loss is usually one of the first signs that your thyroid may be slowing down. By far though, the biggest complaint of those suffering from hypothyroidism is that it is very difficult to lose weight. In fact, many people may actually gain weight! The good news is, there are a plethora of natural healing methods available.

   If you are dealing with a slow thyroid, the first thing you want to examine is your diet. The foods you are eating (or not eating) can make a huge impact on thyroid function, so you want to be extra careful about what you put in your mouth. Anything processed will affect your thyroid, so you will want to remove packaged foods from your diet. Gluten and soy products can also slow the thyroid. Also, many cruciferous vegetables can be a nightmare on the thyroid, so limit your consumption of cauliflower, kale, spinach, cabbage, turnips, and mustard greens. While eliminating foods from your diet can improve thyroid function, there are also foods that can increase thyroid activity. Healthy fats from avocados, coconut oil, fish and nuts can help improve all hormone production in the body, including the thyroid. In addition to healthy fats, sea vegetables are a great way to improve to boost thyroid activity. Try adding kelp flakes to your salad a few times per week. High quality proteins and foods rich in selenium will also contribute to a healthy thyroid.

    If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, be careful about the kind of exercise you’re getting. People with hypothyroidism are unable to recover from stress as easily as those people without thyroid issues. Avoid any kind of intense exercise that places the body under stress. Cardio and short but intense workouts should be avoided. Instead, focus on workouts that nourish the hormones such as yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong.  Proper weight lifting can also provide you with a wave of nourishing hormones.

   Stress management will also play an important role in healing your thyroid. Chronic stress, the kind of stress that stays with you for months, can place added strain on your thyroid. If you find that stress is affecting your daily routine, despite efforts to minimize it, please consider talking to your healthcare provider.  

    In today’s world, it’s extremely important to limit exposure to harmful chemicals. Toxic chemicals can build up in your body over time and disrupt healthy thyroid functions. To limit exposure to chemicals, you may want to consider making the switch to natural cleaning supplies and beauty products. In addition, if you are still smoking, consider doing everything you can to kick that habit. Each cigarette is flooding your body and thyroid with over 7,000 harmful chemicals.  

    Healing an under active thyroid will take time. While there is no quick and easy fix, with some time and effort, you can gently improve your condition. Don’t allow yourself to get stressed out with huge lifestyle changes all at once. Remember, any change is beneficial and with a little tender loving care you will start to see an improvement over time.    

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Regenerative Medicine for Treatment of Chronic Pain Wed, 19 Sep 2018 15:50:51 +0000 Regenerative medicine is becoming more popular in the world of alternative pain management all the time. Aging patients, those with a congenital health condition, and those who have suffered a serious injury often try many other methods of medical intervention before they consider regenerative medicine for long-term relief for chronic pain.

Regenerative medicine uses stem cells to repair damaged tissues and organs. In most cases, the stem cells are your own. A simplified version of this concept is when you cut your finger and your body automatically regenerates new skin within a few days. For a variety of reasons, your body may not be able to self-correct more serious pain issues any longer.

Some of the most common conditions treated with regenerative medicine include:

Failed back surgery

Degenerative disc disease

Plantar fasciitis


Compression fractures

Herniated disc

How Does Regenerative Medicine Offer Pain Relief?

When you visit a pain management specialist, he or she locates available stem cells using an ultrasound machine. The next step is concentration and purification of the harvested stem cells using a specialized piece of medical equipment called a centrifuge. This ensures that you only receive materials in your injection essential for healing and repair. After removing the separated stem cells from the centrifuge, your doctor then injects the stem cells into the area where you experience chronic pain.

Concentrating many platelets into one location accelerates the healing process, or in some cases, allows it to begin. You can expect to complete several 30-minute sessions before you experience noticeable pain relief.

Risks Involved with Regenerative Medicine

Stem cell therapy is a safe procedure with no inherent risks of major side effects. However, as with any type of medical treatment, rare side effects do exist. Some of these include the possibility of infection at the injection site, introduction of other pathogens into the body during the injection, and an immune reaction. For most patients, the potential benefits and high rate of success outweigh the small chance of experiencing one of these atypical complications.

If you’re looking for a permanent and drug-free solution to your chronic pain, search for a provider in the holistic health community and schedule a consultation. The two of you will discuss a variety of pain relief options to see if regenerative medicine may be the right path for you.

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Up and at ‘Em: How Morning Workouts Could Fix Your Life Thu, 23 Aug 2018 20:12:58 +0000 When you think about it, everyone starts their day with a little bit of exercise – you have to do at least one sit-up to get out of bed, right? For most people, this is where the morning fitness routine ends, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Though it may not sound as tempting as hitting the snooze button for the fourth or fifth time, a morning workout can have serious positive impacts on your mood, energy levels, and, of course, overall health and physical fitness.

If you’re someone who already exercises regularly, moving your workout to the beginning of the day could take your fitness to the next level and free up some time in the afternoon or evening. If you’re more of the sedentary type, trying out a morning workout routine could be your ticket to incorporating fitness into your life and developing more healthy habits.

Benefits of Morning Workouts

For many people, a steaming cup of coffee is the only way to get their morning started. Though caffeine is a great and extremely effective way to get going each day, it is also addictive and dehydrating, and since many people prefer to take their coffee with cream and sugar, it can be bad for your nutrition as well. These attributes, in addition to the crash that many coffee drinkers experience after their caffeine buzz wears off, mean that a daily cup of joe is not the best option in terms of overall health and fitness or all-day motivation.

A morning workout, on the other hand, can give you just as much energy as a cup of coffee, without any of the unpleasant side-effects. Working out has been shown to boost energy levels and focus, so a morning workout will make you sharper and more productive over the course of your entire day. These elevated energy levels also help to kickstart your metabolism, thereby regulating your weight. Working out in the morning could be your ticket to a healthy body and a productive day.

Additionally, working out gives you a boost of endorphins, the “feel-good” chemicals released by the brain. The post-workout “high” that many fitness buffs describe is the result of these endorphins flooding the system after a period of exertion. If you exercise in the morning, endorphins could help boost your mood over the course of the day and make you feel better in the long run. Regular exercise has been shown to improve overall mood and have a positive impact on mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and ADHD, so a morning workout is healthy not only for your body, but for your brain as well.

In conjunction with the mood-boosting properties of regular exercise, working out in the morning can give you a sense of accomplishment that makes the rest of the day easier to tackle. Knowing that you have already completed something challenging first thing in the morning helps everyday difficulties seem more manageable: that deadline, test, or presentation that you’ve been sweating might not seem like such a big challenge when you’ve been sweating for real. Beyond that, accomplishing your workout in the morning means that you don’t have to worry about working out for the rest of the day. Especially if you’re someone who dreads exercise, getting it out of the way in the morning is a great way to free up your focus for other tasks.

How to Start Your Morning Workout Habit

Working out in the morning sounds great in theory, but in reality when your alarm is going off at 5:30 a.m. it can be hard to motivate yourself to get up and do a challenging workout. Luckily, there are a few ways you can find the momentum to get out of bed and start your day with some exercise.

The first and most important part of starting any workout routine, whether you do it in the morning or not, is to find a fitness program that you enjoy. Getting up to work out is much easier when you are actually excited about doing your exercise. If your fitness routine has you dreading going to the gym, it will be much more tempting to get an extra half hour of sleep instead, so pick a workout that is within your skill-level and is something that is fun for you.

Another great way to motivate yourself to work out in the morning is to set a short-term challenge. Telling yourself “I will go to the gym every morning for three weeks” sounds a lot more manageable than “I will go to the gym every morning.” By the time this short-term period is over, your body will be used to getting up and working out, and you may find that it has become an essential part of your day. However, if, at the end of this period, you still find getting up to work out more challenging than it’s worth, it may be time to find a workout schedule that is compatible with your internal clock. Either way, you will have completed something that makes you feel accomplished and is good for your overall health.

If you can incorporate working out into your daily morning routine and can find a workout that gets you excited about going to the gym, you will quickly notice the benefits of morning exercise – not only in physical gains, but also in mood, mental energy, and acuity. Working out in the morning helps ensure that you will start your day strong and gives you the energy to tackle whatever else may come your way!

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Unbalanced Estrogen Levels Can Have a Big Impact on Your Health Tue, 24 Jul 2018 14:35:48 +0000 Unbalanced Estrogen Levels Can Have a Big Impact on Your Health

Although both male and female bodies both contain estrogen, it plays a much larger role in women’s sexual and reproductive health. Their bodies produce estrogen in the ovaries as well as the fat cells and adrenal glands. When a girl starts puberty, estrogen helps her develop secondary sex characteristics such as breast growth and hair under the armpits and pubic region. Once she starts menstruating, estrogen helps to regulate the monthly cycles. It controls the growth of the uterine lining during the first half of the cycle and drops off if fertilization does not occur. If fertilization does happen, estrogen and progesterone signal the body to stop ovulating.

The production of estrogen drops off after a woman has completed childbearing and enters into her pre-menopausal years. Since progesterone also decreases at this time, the resulting hormonal imbalance confuses the body. This can result in over two dozen different symptoms for women. Almost all women experience some effects of hormone imbalance, although the severity and number of symptoms varies greatly from one woman to the next. Increasingly, women are turning to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to find symptom relief.

Indications Your Estrogen Levels May Be Too Low or Too High

While hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings are typical symptoms of pending menopause, there are numerous others associated with hormone imbalance. You may experience those problems and several of the ones listed below even if you are nowhere near menopause. The following are typical symptoms in women whose level of estrogen is too low:

  • Chronic fatigue, regardless of the actual number of hours that you sleep
  • Bladder infections or urinary tract infections
  • Headaches that start out mild but eventually turn into migraines
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain when having intercourse
  • Loss of desire for physical intimacy with your partner
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Insomnia, which presents as difficulty falling asleep or waking up several times and not being able to get back to sleep
  • Forgetfulness and having a hard time concentrating
  • Incontinence or leaking urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze
  • Loss of bone density that puts you at risk for developing osteoporosis
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Unstable emotions

Estrogen dominance can occur when progesterone levels deteriorate rapidly or stop altogether. The term doesn’t mean that you are gaining estrogen, but rather you have too much estrogen in your body in relation to progesterone. Since these two hormones work so closely together, women with estrogen dominance may experience the following additional symptoms:

  • Fluid retention
  • Breast tenderness
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Sugar cravings and issues regulating the body’s blood sugar
  • Fibroids
  • Uterine cancer
  • Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea
  • Thyroid issues
  • Endometriosis

Balancing Your Estrogen Levels with BHRT

It seems obvious that the solution to unbalanced levels of estrogen is to balance them using a natural replacement hormone. Unfortunately, few mainstream doctors understand the benefits of BHRT. They replace the body’s natural hormones with synthetic ones instead. While this works well in some cases, many women’s bodies can’t tolerate artificial hormones. This can cause a significant number of minor and serious side effects, including an increased risk of endometrial cancer.

The basic cell structure of bioidentical hormones, which come from tropical plants, does not go through any changes during the compounding process. This increases the likelihood that your body will respond appropriately and you will experience fast relief of your hormonal imbalance symptoms. Your doctor supervises your treatment from start to finish, which means he or she can spot side effects quickly and adjust your dosage or method of administration if necessary. Since traditional doctors don’t typically offer bioidentical hormones, your best bet in achieving estrogen balance is to work with a naturopath, chiropractor, or other type of alternative health provider who does offer this treatment.


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Botox Injections for Migraines: How Effective Are They? Wed, 20 Jun 2018 16:01:06 +0000 Chronic migraine headaches are no fun. Sadly, some people get little relief from their pounding head discomfort even when they take medication. Now, there’s another option — Botox injections for chronic headache pain. The FDA has endorsed Botox injections for treating migraine headaches that don’t respond to other treatments. How effective are Botox injections for migraine headaches?

Botox for Migraines

Not every migraine sufferer is a candidate for Botox injections for migraine treatment. This treatment is usually reserved for migraine patients who deal with migraine headaches on an almost daily basis — at least fourteen days out of the month. It’s not an appropriate option for the person who has infrequent migraine headaches.

What is It Like to Get Botox Injections for Migraines?

Needless to say, Botox injections aren’t the best treatment option for people who fear needles. It takes an average of thirty Botox injections into various parts of the head and neck to get the full benefits of Botox. As you can imagine, the injections aren’t inexpensive. You have to hope your insurance company picks up the tab! Otherwise the cost can be substantial.

Is It Worth It?

Here’s the bad news about Botox for migraines. After enduring thirty needlesticks to the head and neck, Botox is unlikely to leave a migraine sufferer headache free. It only reduces the number of total headaches monthly by an average of two or three. Of course that’s two or three extra days each month someone suffering from migraines can enjoy a pain-free day — so it may be worth it.

Are There Side Effects?

Serious side effects from Botox injections for migraines are rare. The most common complaint is headache and mild neck pain. Neck pain affects about 9% of people who get Botox injections for migraines. Muscle weakness is a less common side effect. The Botox toxin can potentially migrate into tissues around the injection site. This migration can theoretically lead to problems swallowing or breathing, although there are no reports of this in the literature. It’s a relatively safe, although slightly uncomfortable, procedure.

The Bottom Line?

Botox injections for migraines have the potential to modestly decrease the number of days a person experiences migraine headaches. On the other hand, it’s only approved for migraine sufferers who have very frequent migraine headaches. It’s also important to get the injections performed by an experienced doctor to lower the risk of unwanted side effects.

Botox has no benefit for treating other types of headache pain. The best plan is to try other migraine headache treatments first, and if they don’t work, keep a headache diary to see how frequently migraines are occurring. If they’re occurring more than fourteen times a month, talk to your doctor about the possibility of using Botox. It’s not just for wrinkles anymore.



New York Times. “Botox Wins FDA Approval as Migraine Treatment”

Family Practice News. November 1, 2010. page 13.


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